Matthew Ceppi, Ed.D.

Executive Director


Ed.D. Creighton University

B.A. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo


Strategy design and execution, transformation, public private partnerships, financial and resource allocation models, talent management


Dr. Matthew Ceppi is the Executive Director of AASCU Consulting. Dr. Ceppi brings over 23 years of experience in higher education both as an institutional manager and as a consultant. A trusted advisor, strategic thought partner, and relationship builder, Matt has a proven track record of designing and executing strategies to expand organizational capacity and foster transformative growth. He has assisted higher education institutions with large scale or targeted transformation, sustainable finance models, strategies for revenue diversification and cost containment, or new budget and resource allocation methods.

In his previous roles, Matt worked closely with university leadership teams on integration, alignment and   fostering of strategic and long-range planning, enrollment planning, and resource allocation. He has advanced strategic relationships with public and private entities and negotiated public-private and public-public agreements to achieve institutional planning priorities. As the former director of business solutions services and quality improvement for the California State University system, Matt led a team providing advisory services and guidance to the 23 campuses on strategic and business planning, organizational effectiveness, and business process improvement. Matt periodically serves as an instructor of practice on human capital management and strategy.



  • Alpha Sigma Nu National Honor Society of the Jesuit Colleges and University
  • California State University Distinguished Service in Quality Improvement
  • American Institute for Public Service Jefferson Award