Marten L. denBoer, Ph.D.
Student success, academic program development, shared governance, assessment, strategic planning, resource allocation
With extended service in provostial roles at two public institutions, Queens College of the City University of New York and Cal Poly Pomona of the California State University system, and at a large private, DePaul University, Dr. Marten denBoer has a strong commitment to student success and a deep understanding of academia. Having also taught and earned tenure in Physics at CUNY and conducted extensive research supported by federal agencies, he appreciates the scholarly needs and concerns of the faculty.
His breadth of experience has enabled denBoer to address collaboratively sensitive topics in a shared governance environment, including the development of new programs, general education reform, semester conversion, and initiatives to increase student success and narrow achievement gaps. He has balanced budgets in difficult times while keeping the focus on the central mission of the university to prepare students for academic and career success. With stakeholders including boards, central office and campus leadership, faculty, and students, he has collaborated on strategic planning, leadership development, major capital projects, and comprehensive campaigns.
Academic: general education reform; semester conversion; new programs in health care, engineering, music industry, graphic design, criminology, etc.; regional and specialized accreditations; increased student success and narrowed achievement gaps; innovative relationships with feeder community colleges; redesigned adult education program
Administrative: rationalized faculty search authorization to facilitate equitable resource distribution; strengthened hiring diversity; balanced faculty engagement in senior administrative searches; restructured academic affairs office for effectiveness and staff reduction; leadership development; nurtured relations with faculty governance bodies
Financial: major capital construction; academic involvement in comprehensive campaigns; balanced budgets in the face of state cutbacks; university strategic planning
Ph.D. Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
B.A. Physics and Mathematics, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI